ARSEP Défi Voile Solidaires en Peloton, season 2020 preparations underway.

Supporting research to defeat multiple sclerosis together
The Delanchy Group is committed to the ARSEP Solidaires en Peloton through its support for various sporting associations.
The Défi Voile is one of the components of Solidaires en Peloton with the Multi 50 of Thibault Vauchel-Camus in the colours of the association and the ARSEP Foundation.
This magnificent blue trimaran has just taken to the water off Saint-Malo after the long winter months. Despite the crisis, the boat and its skipper are back in the water to fine tune the settings ahead of the start of the season for the Multi 50 and to continue to raise awareness of the disease, while encouraging donations for medical research.
A single motto: Defeating Multiple Sclerosis Together!
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